How did you get started? This was the first question I would ask when I would attend informational interviews (after...
9 Tips for Getting Hired in a Tough Economy9 Tips for Getting Hired in a Tough Economy
Contributor Maggie LaMaack is sharing her best tips for finding a job right now. Hopefully, her decade of learning, luck,...
5 Ways to Bring the Best of Travel to Your Daily Life5 Ways to Bring the Best of Travel to Your Daily Life
Today contributor Jill Elliot is exploring ways to bring the calming rituals and routines we find on trips into our...
8 Skillshare Classes to Inspire and Teach You a New Skill Right Now8 Skillshare Classes to Inspire and Teach You a New Skill Right Now
One of the ways I’m keeping my brain focused these days (and away from the anxiety spirals I’m prone to)...
10 Things No One Told Me About Having a Career10 Things No One Told Me About Having a Career
From “You’re going to have to be mouthier” to “A job doesn’t equal identity,” contributor Brittany Chaffee is sharing the...
Meet Team W&D: Shop W&D Fulfillment Manager, Zoe VossenMeet Team W&D: Shop W&D Fulfillment Manager, Zoe Vossen
Zoe is sharing how persistence landed her a job at W&D, what a day in her life looks like, and...
How to Change the Way You Think About Work-Life BalanceHow to Change the Way You Think About Work-Life Balance
Today contributor Brittany Chaffee is writing about a different way to approach work-life balance—one that allows more space for delight...
7 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Trip7 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Trip
Today contributor Virali Dave is sharing her expertise on budget-friendly ways to travel, for those of us who want to...
Kate’s 7 Pieces of Advice for How to Make a Career ChangeKate’s 7 Pieces of Advice for How to Make a Career Change
Most of the big changes in our lives generally don’t happen all at once; they all tend to start with...
From IDK to IRL: Discovering, Defining, and Developing Your Big IdeasFrom IDK to IRL: Discovering, Defining, and Developing Your Big Ideas
I’m excited to share with you my latest Skillshare class, one that’s all about discovering, defining, and developing your Big...